Frequently Asked Questions


Are your handbags real or fake?

All of the handbags we sell are replicas, meaning that they were not made by the original brand name owner. However, we go to great lengths in replicating our handbags by using almost all the same materials (in most cases all the same materials) that are used in making the originals so as to have our replicas look and feel the same as the originals but cost much less!

What are your handbags made from?

The quick answer is: whatever the original designer brand bag is made from. We pride ourselves on being able to source the exact same materials used in the original designs. We use exactly what was called for by the luxury brands. We use the same canvas, the same genuine leather, the same silk and the same cloth as is used in the handbags we are reproducing.

Is the picture I'm seeing of your actual stock?

Yes. We have a photographer on staff who has taken all of these pictures. Each replica handbag, or replica watch you see when you’re browsing for Louis Vuitton, Chanel, or any other designer brand will be of a random sampling of our own stock.

The item I want is out of stock, how long until it is available again?

When a product sells out, it is usually about two weeks to a month before we are able to restock it. When the ‘Buy Now’ button appears once more, that means we are once again offering that item for sale. If you’ve been waiting a long time for a specific piece, and it doesn’t seem to be reappearing, please feel free to get in touch with us. Generally, when an item isn’t in stock, it means that we are waiting on the materials. We take great pride in using only the exact same leathers, metals, and fabrics that the genuine brand-name items are made of.

The 'Buy Now' button is missing!

If you’ve noticed that the Buy Now button doesn’t appear on the page beside the item you’d like to purchase, that means the item is temporarily out of stock.

What are your Guarantees?

All of our replica items are made with almost all the exact same materials as the originals in most cases all the same materials.

All of our replica items are perfectly identical to the original – we include serial numbers, tags, care cards, dust bags, all engravings and stickers.

All of the accessories you would anticipate will come with your item. This includes extra/extension straps for handbags, care cards and snap-cases.

We ship worldwide.


  • I don't usually take the time to write reviews or testimonials, but my experience has been exceptional. I originally ordered a Louis Vuitton Monogram Keepall 45 and was so impressed with it once it arrived I ordered a Louis Vuitton Speedy 35 with shoulder strap two weeks later. The purses are exceptional. They use the same materials as the original bags and pay close attention to detail. In my book - there is no difference. I just can't wait for the leather to patina. Thanks!

  • I ordered the beautiful Gucci vintage boston purse, and was very happy with the service, quality of the purse, and the fast delivery. I had scrutinized the purse at Saks Fifth Avenue which was $1200.00 dollars, so I really knew what to expect in all details. This purse is beautiful, and at a price of one quarter of the $1200.00 Gucci is well worth it. I definitely plan on shopping with you guys again.

  • I received my items just in time for Christmas. EXCELLENT service and products. I have no complaints and will DEFINITELY order from this site again in the very near future.

    Ms D
  • Received my purse today!! Shipping was so fast and tracking was very accurate. As far as the bag itself, wow!!! The quality exceeded my expectations and I can't wait to order more products. Of the quality of all there products is like this then I will definitely be one of their top customers! Love my classic Chanel medium sized chain purse it's absolutely stunning and great quality.

  • I am very satisfied with my LV bag, great quality; I bought also some jewels, which are nice: maybe not perfect but, for the price I paid, I surely cannot complain! The service has been very very good, the support I had to get info about my shipment was excellent, extremely fast and precise...I will be back soon for new orders!

  • Extraordinary Customer service! I just received my order today. Bought it last week and i think the shipping took not longer then 4 day! very impressed! They are really professional and trustworthy! they all look beautiful exactly like the picture! AMAZING quality! Thank u! I will soon order again!!!



We guarantee fast and easy shipping. In order to insure that you have a great shopping experience, we make sure that the shipment of your order is a hassle free process.

After you place you will receive an email containing your shipment tracking order and an order confirmation number.

It takes 5-10 business days for delivery (after shipment has been processed).

Please be sure to include the correct shipping address when you place your order.

More information about shipping you can get on our shops.

Privacy Policy

Our on-line replica store provides reliable purchase process. We have worked out special strategies to guarantee privacy and comfort of every customer.

  • Private information we get from our customers will be kept in complete confidence - it will no way be shared, sold, or modified.
  • During the purchase process you will have to specify your personal data such as your name, e-mail address, credit card.
    This information makes up an integral part of the ordering process and is necessary for the correct execution of your order.
  • The personal data protection at our site is organized through SSL (Secure Socket Layer) advanced technology.
    It guarantees the most reliable credit card transactions and proper conditions for making a purchase on-line.
  • If our site-visitors leave some statistics data, questions or comments, this information will not contain their personal details, unless they wish so.
  • After you have ordered an item, you will get an e-mail from us with your order details. If you have any problem with the item you received, please send us back an e-mail explaining the reasons of your concern. Then we will be able to solve the problem.
  • All the purchased items are shipped with the necessary security to guarantee the privacy of every customer.

Return Policy

We know that one of the most important parts of online shopping is knowing both that you will receive a quality product and that if you do not, your money is not lost. This is why we have a comprehensive return policy. Our return policy ensures that you will get the items you’ve ordered, or you’ll get your money back.

We aim to ensure a faithful customer base. This means being fully dedicated to customer satisfaction. If you have any problems with your items you order from us, you simply need to let us know. We will rectify the problem immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions